Computer-aided prosthetics for precise dentures

Computer-aided prosthodontics with CEREC uses digital CAD/CAM technologies to fabricate inlays, crowns, bridges, and other dental restorations with high precision. This method allows us to design and manufacture restorations that offer excellent fit, function, and esthetics. Our patients benefit from faster fitting and shorter treatment times, as many steps can be completed digitally and often in a single session.
This technology improves the accuracy of dental restorations and increases patient comfort through less invasive procedures and faster results. Our practice is committed to using the latest technology to provide you with the best treatment options and the most excellent comfort possible.

Computerised denture procedures offer greater precision, shorter treatment times, and improved aesthetic results through custom-made dentures.
The initial cost can be higher than traditional methods, but the investment can pay off in the longevity and quality of the restorations.
No, impressions are taken digitally with your intraoral scanner. This is why this procedure with CEREC is also very comfortable for patients with gag reflexes.